Travellers |
E-Taxfree Portugal – Information |
Immigrant citizens
Change of non resident status to resident |
Non-Habitual Resident
Registration with the Tax and Customs Authority |
Pay taxes in Portugal Leaflet |
How to pay taxes if you are abroad Leaflet
Passwords for Portal das Finanças
Leaflet |
Reliability of contacts - e-mail and mobile
Leaflet |

.................................................................................................. e-Balcão - Clarifying questions and solving problems through Portal das Finanças Leaflet
Value added tax refund regime for taxable persons not established in the Member State of refund Guide and legislation
Document for payment of VAT by European Union taxpayers not residing in the national territory
Form that taxpayers not residing in the national territory should use to bank transfer payment of VAT due as a result of processing an application for reimbursement under Decree-Law n. º 186/2009 of August 12th.
Possibilities for objection and appeal against a claiming refund of VAT decision
Applicants who want contest the refusal of payment or partial payment, can file complaint to the Director of the Department of Tax Refunds Services, Avenida João XXI, 76 5.º, 1094-065 LISBOA - Portugal, in 120 days, or can file a judicial review, in 3 months directed to the judge, the last may be presented in the 3rd Local Services of Lisbon who is located in : Rua dos Correeiros, nr 70, 1100-167 Lisbon or in
www.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt, following the links
Serviços Tributários / Cidadãos or Empresas / Entregar / Reclamações - Graciosas / IVA.
.................................................................................................. One Stop Shop
VAT e-commerce rules are changing from 1 July 2021
Prepare your online business for the new future-proof VAT rules and get informed about the upcoming changes.
You may access: |
.................................................................................................. Mini One Stop Shop
Special VAT scheme for telecommunications services, broadcasting, television and electronically supplied services.
If your company is carrying on its activity in the EU, be aware of the special rules that apply to you.
You may access here the website for registration in the scheme (with guidelines and documentation).
For more information, please see the following address: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/vat/telecommunications-broadcasting-electronic-services_en#new_rules |
.................................................................................................. Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1042/2013
Explanatory notes on EU VAT place of supply rules on services connected with immovable property that enter into force in 2017.
EU Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments: |
Council Directive 2003/49/EC of 3 June 2003, on a common system of taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different Member States: |
CESOP – Central Electronic System of Payment information |
Communication Regime of arrangements (internal or cross-border) with fiscal relevance |
Certification of computer invoicing programmes relating to the Corporate Income Tax Code
SAF-T PT (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes) |
QR Code |
Ways of protection of the taxpayer before the Portuguese Tax Administration
Partial translation of the Code of Tax Procedure and Proceedings from Portuguese into English |
ATGo - User’s Guide
A single point of access where you can carry out operations and view your data held by the Tax and Customs Authority.
With the ATGo app you can check the evolution of your professional activity, namely your income and expenses. You can also issue and view your receipts in a practical and effective way.